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Showing 10 out of 2255 results
Image of hands holding a red felt heart with trees in the background
Research Feature
Planetary health and environmental justice at the forefront of an NHLBI workshop Some 55 years ago the poet and environmentalist Wendell Berry pondered the distressing harm to the planet that had resulted from the very modernization that seemed to be improving lives. “We have lived by the assumption that what was good for us would be good for the...
Pregnant woman seated at desk as she gets her blood pressure checked by a physician.
News Release
NIH-funded study shows treatment of condition fell short; suggests need for improved strategies The prevalence of chronic hypertension in pregnancy in the United States doubled from 2007-2021, but only about 60% of those with the potentially life-threatening condition were treated with antihypertensive medications, according to a National...
Blood cells are shown clumping together in the early formation of a clot.
NHLBI in the Press
Xylitol, a sugar alcohol used in many low-carb and low-sugar food products, was linked to early signs of blood clotting in mechanistic studies and associated with an increased likelihood of future cardiovascular events in observational research.
The human circulatory and nervous system are shown through a medical rendering of an adult man.
Research Features
Insufficient cardiovascular response to mental stress linked to reduced blood flow in the heart among people with heart disease Imagine walking through a park and suddenly spotting a bear. Normally your heart starts beating faster and your blood vessels constrict. That’s the sympathetic nervous system preparing your body for a “flight or fight”...
This photo shows a novel device that can measure low oxygen levels inside cells and could allow early detection of sepsis. Credit: Opticyte
Research Feature
Could also lessen likelihood of errors in measuring oxygen levels in Black patients Each year at least 1.7 million adults in the United States and millions more worldwide develop sepsis, a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s immune system has an extreme response to an infection. The condition, which can be difficult to detect and...