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Showing 10 out of 2254 results
A photo of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm.
NHLBI in the Press
An analysis projects that 10 million Americans currently have atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm, which is three times higher than predictions created more than 20 years ago. Updated estimates support efforts to better prevent, detect, and treat atrial fibrillation.
A medical illustration of a person’s lungs and respiratory system is shown.
News Release
A scientific team supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has created a preclinical blood test to identify adults most likely to develop severe respiratory conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD). The blood test analyzes 32 proteins that scientists determined accurately predicted an adult with an increased...
Vector image of DNA and lungs on a blue background
Research Feature
Could next-generation gene editing mean a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF)? There's been a lot of advancement on the disease in the last decade, but there are still those living with the disease who get no relief from current treatments - especially those for whom health disparities already exist. Paul McCray, M.D., professor of pediatrics, and...
 A physician reviews a woman's lab results with her in a medical setting.
News Release
Measuring inflammation and lipids in midlife may support earlier detection, treatment Research supported by the National Institutes of Health has found that measuring two types of fat in the bloodstream along with C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation, can predict a woman’s risk for cardiovascular disease decades later. These findings...
3D rendered image shows a close-up image of a sickle-shaped red blood cell surrounded by mixture of normal blood cells and sickled cells.
News Release
NIH study finds lung function remained stable or improved in adults after transplant So-called low-intensity blood stem cell transplants, which use milder conditioning agents than standard stem cell transplants, do not appear to damage the lungs and may help improve lung function in some patients with sickle cell disease (SCD), according to a three...
a group of yoga students stand in warrior pose
Research Feature
Supporting cardiovascular health is important at every age, and early influences can improve health outcomes years later As the body ages, lots of changes happen that can increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease. Blood vessels narrow. Arteries stiffen. Cell mutations can occur, while genes can influence fate. Fortunately, researchers...
Image of a gloved hand holding vials of blood during a blood draw
News Release
NIH-supported study suggests novel biomarkers that distinguish the condition from other ailments are needed A National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported study has found that routine lab tests may not be useful in making a long COVID diagnosis for people who have symptoms of the condition. The study, part of NIH’s Researching COVID to Enhance...
Image of a sign for Framingham, Mass.
Research Feature
Just over a year ago, Susan Martin – not her real name – a retiree in her 60s from Boston, received a phone call just as she was about to settle into an episode of the West Wing. She wanted to ignore the call, but the name on the phone’s identifier – Framingham Heart Study (FHS) – made her think twice. Martin knew a lot about FHS, an NHLBI-funded...