Aim for a Healthy Weight: Maintaining a Healthy Weight on the Go - (A Pocket Guide)

Publication cover for Aim for a Healthy Weight: Maintaining a Healthy Weight on the Go - (A Pocket Guide)

When dining out, do you wonder what foods on the menu are heart healthy, or how much to eat of a typical restaurant-sized portion? This pocket guide is a convenient, compact reference to help you make healthy decisions when you're at restaurants, cafeterias, supermarket deli counters, or any time you're eating outside your home. Provides information on how meals and snacks fit within your overall diet, offers tips to help identify heart healthy dishes in various types of restaurants, and highlights healthier menu options with less fat and calories. Order your pocket guide now, and take the guess work out of eating healthy on the go.  

Publication Date:
General Public & Patients

Web-only Publications

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