CHWs Tackling Chronic Diseases Webinar
Improving Heart Health with CHWs, Promotores, and Community Educators
This list of Webinars, Evaluation, Journal Articles, and Toolkit: Helpful Handouts and Tools is related to the CHW Health Disparities Initiative.
View and share webinars designed for community health workers (CHWs). Find information on adult learning principles to motivate behavior change and enhance heart health; data collection to help track the progress of your heart health community program; and ways to implement the NHLBI’s heart health programs.
All webinars may be used with Adobe Flash Player.
- CHWs and Partners Take Action to Reduce Heart Health Disparities: Lessons from NHLBI’s Strategic Champions Demonstration Projects
- Community Health Workers Tackling Chronic Diseases: Success Factors and
Challenges - Approaches to Enhance Learning: Using Adult Learning and Popular Education with the NHLBI Heart Health Curricula
- Be the Master of Your Own Data! Collecting and Analyzing Your Heart Health Program Data
- Improving Heart Health with Community Health Workers, Promotores, and Community Educators
The NHLBI has developed the tools below to help evaluate your heart health program.
Evaluation Report: Executive Summary
Community Health Worker Initiative Evaluation Report (Executive Summary) (PDF, 423 KB)
The evaluation report represents a comprehensive program evaluation that the NHLBI completed in 2012 of sites that had implemented the program using the NHLBI curriculum.
Community Education (revised 2012)
- Generic, can be used with all manuals/curricula
- Community Health Worker Health Disparities Initiative (CHWI) “My Health Habits” Pre-Test (PDF, 473 KB)
- CHWI “My Health Habits” Post-Test (PDF, 344 KB)
- “My Health Habits” Excel Database (2.9 MB) (can be used to manage data for the revised pre- and post-tests)
- Spanish
- CHWI “Mis Hábitos de Salud” Prueba Previa (PDF, 436 KB)
- CHWI “Mis Hábitos de Salud” Pueba Posterior (PDF, 417 KB)
- Filipino American
- CHWI “My Health Habits” Pre-Test (PDF, 494 KB)
- CHWI “My Health Habits” Post-Test (PDF, 371 KB)
CHW Manual Evaluation Tools
The evaluation session (Session 12) in each of the CHW manuals provides a series of tools including:
- African American
- Filipino American
- Examples of Project Evaluation
- Types of Evaluation
- Community Health Worker Train the Trainer Pretest and Posttest
- Feedback Form—What Did You Think About the Training?
- My Health Habits Pretest and Posttest
- Screening Form
- Clinical Measures and Followup Form
- Community Health Worker Activities Form
- Recording Log (for Strategies 1, 2a, 2b, and 3)
- Develop an Evaluation Workplan for Your Project
- Hispanic/Latino
- Examples of Project Evaluation
- Types of Evaluation
- Promotores Train the Trainer Pretest and Posttest
- Feedback Form–What Did You Think About the Training? (for Strategy 1)
- My Health Habits Pretest and Posttest
- Screening Form
- Clinical Measures and Followup Form
- Promotores Activities Form
- Recording Log (for Strategies 1, 2a, 2b, and 3)
- Develop an Evaluation Workplan for Your Project
- Hispanic/Latino (en español)
- Ejemplos de evaluación de proyectos
- Tipos de evaluación
- Pre-test y post-test de “Capacitación de los promotores”
- Cuestionario “¿Qué le pareció el taller de capacitación?”
- Pre-test y post-test de “Mis hábitos de salud”
- Formulario de pruebas para identificar el riesgo de enfermedades del corazón
- Formulario de valores clínicos y seguimiento
- Formulario de seguimiento de las actividades de los promotores
- Formulario de registro de datos (para las estrategias 1, 2a, 2b y 3)
- Cómo hacer un plan para evaluar su proyecto
Journal Articles
Below is an extensive list of peer-reviewed journal articles that showcase how different projects utilized the NHLBI materials.
- Hurtado, M., Spinner, J.R., Yang M., Evensen C., Windham A.,…Ortiz G. (2014). Knowledge and Behavioral Effects in Cardiovascular Health: Community Health Worker Health Disparities Initiative, 2007-2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11. doi: 10.5888/pcd11.130250
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2006). National healthcare disparities report 2006 (AHRQ Publication No. 07-0012). Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Alcalay, R., Alvarado, M., Balcázar, H., Newman, E., & Huerta, E. (1999). Salud para su Corazón: A community-based Latino cardiovascular disease prevention and outreach model. Journal of Community Health, 24, 359-379.
- Alcalay, R., Alvarado, M., Balcázar, H., Newman. E., & Ortiz, G. (2000). Evaluation of a community-based Latino heart disease prevention program in metropolitan Washington DC. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 19, 191-204.
- Anders, R., Balcázar, H., & Paez, L. (2006). Hispanic community-based participatory research using a promotores de salud model. Hispanic Health Care International, 4(2), 71-78.
- Balcázar, H., Alvarado, M., Cantu, F., Pedregon, V., & Fulwood R. (2009). A promotora de salud model for addressing cardiovascular disease risk factors in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Preventing Chronic Disease, 6(1), A02.
- Balcázar, H., Alvarado, M., Alcalay, R., & Huerta, E. (1999). Salud para su corazón: Programa modelo para promover salud cardiovascular en Latinos. Medico Interamericano, 18, 18-23.
- Balcázar, H., Alvarado, M., Alcalay, R., Schindeldecker, M., Newman, E., Huerta, E. & Ortiz, G. (2001). Salud para su corazón: Evaluating cardiovascular health outreach activities in the Latino community. Medicine of the Americas, 2, 4-11.
- Balcázar, H., Luna Hollen, M., Medina, A., Pedregon, V., Alvarado, M., & Fulwood, R. (2005). The North Texas Salud para su Corazón promotor/a outreach program: An enhanced dissemination initiative. The Health Education Monograph Series, 22(1), 19-27.
- Balcázar, H. G., de Heer, H., Rosenthal, L., Aguirre, M., Flores, L., Puentes, F.A.,…Schulz, L. O. (2010). A promotores de salud intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in a high-risk Hispanic border population. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(2), 1-10.
- Bell, J., Bell, J., Colmenar, R., Flournoy, R., McGehee, M., Rubin, V.,…Thompson, J. (2002). Reducing Health Disparities Through a Focus on Communities: A PolicyLink Report. Oakland, CA: PolicyLink.
- Brownstein, J. N., Chowdhury, F. M., Norris, S. L., Horsley, T., Jack, L., Zhang, X., & Satterfield, D. (2007). Effectiveness of community health workers in the care of people with hypertension. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 2(5), 435-447.
- Bryant-Stephens, T., Kurian, C., Gua, R., & Zhao, H. (2009). Impact of a household environmental intervention delivered by lay health workers on asthma symptom control in urban, disadvantaged children with asthma. Research and Practice, 99(S3), S657-S665.
- Cherrington, A., Ayala, G. X., Amick, H., Scarinci, I., Allison, J., & Corbie-Smith, G. (2008). Applying the community health worker model to diabetes management: Using mixed methods to assess implementation and effectiveness. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 18, 1044-1059.
- Cherrington, A., Ayala, G. X., Elder, J. P., Arredondo, E. M., Fouad, M., & Scarinci, I. (2010). Recognizing the diverse roles of community health worker in the elimination of health disparities: From paid staff to volunteers. Ethnicity & Disease, 20, 189-194.
- Fernandes, R., Braun, K. L., Spinner, J. R., Surdevant, C., Ancheta, S. J., Yoshimira, S. R.,…Lee, C. J. (2012). Healthy heart, healthy family: A NHLBI/HRSA collaborative employing community health workers to improve heart health. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 23, 988-999.
- Goodwin, K., & Tobler, L. (2008). Community Health Workers: Expanding the Scope of the Health Care Delivery System. Washington, DC: National Conference of State Legislatures. Retrieved August 28, 2010.
- Luna Hollen, M., Balcázar, H., Medina, A., & Ahmed, N. (2002). The North Texas Salud para su Corazón (Health for your Heart) outreach initiative: Serving Hispanics in Fort Worth and Dallas. Texas Public Health Association Journal, 54(4), 5-12.
- Medina, A., Balcázar, H., Luna Hollen, M., Nkoma, E., & Soto Mas, F. (2007). Promotores de salud educating Hispanic communities on heart-healthy living. American Journal of Health Education, 38(4), 194-202.
- Moreno, C., Alvarado, M., Balcázar, H., Lane, C., Newman, E., Ortiz, G., & Forrest, M. (1997). Heart disease education and prevention program targeting immigrant Latinos: Using focus group responses to develop effective interventions. Journal of Community Health, 22, 435-450.
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2003). Improving Health, Changing Lives: Communities Taking Action. Washington, DC: National Institutes of Health.
- Education Strategy Development Workshop. (2005). Public Health in Public Housing: Improving Health, Changing Lives. Washington, DC: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
- Balcázar, H., Alvarado, M., Luna Hollen, M., Gonzalez-Cruz, Y., Hughes, O., Vazquez, E., & Lykens, K. (2006). Salud para su Corazón-NCLR: A comprehensive promotora outreach program to promote heart-healthy behaviors among Latinos. Health Promotion Practice, 7(1), 68-77.
- Smedley, B. D., Stith, A. Y., & Nelson, A. R. (Eds.). (2003). Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
- Spinner, J. R., & Alvarado, M. (2012). Salud para su Corazón — A Latino promotora-led cardiovascular health education program. Family Community Health, 35(2), 111-119.
- Wallace, M. F., Fulwood, R., & Alvarado, M. (2008). NHLBI step-by-step approach to adapting cardiovascular training and education curricula for diverse audiences. Preventing Chronic Disease, 5(2), A61.
- Brega, A. G., Pratte, K. A., Jiang, L., Mitchell, C. M., Stotz, S. A., LoudHawk-Hedgepeth, C.,…Beals, J. (2013). Impact of targeted health promotion on cardiovascular knowledge among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Health Education Research, 28(3), 437-449.
Toolkit: Helpful Handouts and Tools
These supporting handouts and forms are found in the first 2 sections of Start to Finish: Your Toolkit to Plan and Run a Heart Health Program:
1. Plan Your Program
- 1.3 Decide Who to Reach
- Heart Health Program Interest Survey (PDF, 188 KB)
This form guides you on how to conduct an interview with 6 sample questions.
- Heart Health Program Interest Survey (PDF, 188 KB)
- 1.4 Find Out What You Need
- Figuring Out Your Human Resources (PDF, 106 KB)
Evaluate the human resource needs of your program by task using this form. Learn more about how to manage Staff and Volunteers. - Resources Tracking Form (PDF, 323 KB)
Use this form to track your support and donations. Learn more about In-kind Support.
- Figuring Out Your Human Resources (PDF, 106 KB)
- 1.5 Plan Your Sessions
- Using Adult Education Ideas in My Program (PDF, 191 KB)
Principles for helping adults get the most out of your program are presented in this handout. - Creative Ideas for Your Heart Health Program (PDF, 428 KB)
This handout explains 12 ideas for inserting interesting activities into your program.
- Using Adult Education Ideas in My Program (PDF, 191 KB)
- 1.8 Share Your Success
- Ways to Share Program Success (PDF, 181 KB)
From meetings to social media, this handout lists 5 ways promote your successful progress and results.
- Ways to Share Program Success (PDF, 181 KB)
2 Run Your Program
- 2.1 Recruit
- Recruiting Scenarios (PDF, 229 KB)
Find out how 3 organizations recruited for their programs in this handout. - Recruiting: What Is Your Approach? (PDF, 440 KB)
Five approaches for recruiting people are included in this handout. Learn more about how to Plan Your Approach. - Stakeholders and Messages (PDF, 184 KB)
The handout includes sample questions from those who have an interest in your program and how to answer them. Learn more about how to Conduct Research.
- Recruiting Scenarios (PDF, 229 KB)
- 2.2 Keep People Coming
- Sample Agenda for Session 2 (PDF, 145 KB)
Ideas for planning a good session are in this handout. - Strategies to Keep People Coming (PDF, 211 KB)
The handout includes 10 strategies from over-recruiting to offering rewards. - Facilitator Tips for Running Sessions (PDF, 548 KB)
Tips broken down by program phase are offered in this handout.
- Sample Agenda for Session 2 (PDF, 145 KB)
- 2.4 Handle Barriers
- Ideas on Handling Barriers When Running Your Program (PDF, 219 KB)
From schedule changes to quiet participants, this handout points out common barriers and gives suggestions about how to get past them.
- Ideas on Handling Barriers When Running Your Program (PDF, 219 KB)
Last Updated: June 2014