Intro: It’s Asia Chandler here for another edition of Ask a Scientist, talking about maternal health with Dr. Patrice Desvigne-Nickens from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at NIH. AC: Dr. Desvigne-Nickens, why does heart health matter so much in pregnancy? PDN: A woman’s overall health is so important for the woman as well as her baby. Many women become pregnant and have preexisting heart conditions, like hypertension, or perhaps are overweight. These conditions are only worsened by the stress of pregnancy. AC: What do you mean by the “stress of pregnancy”? PDN: Pregnancy itself is a stress test. During the pregnancy how much blood your heart pumps is increased tremendously. AC: So if a woman is or wants to become pregnant, what should she do? PDN: It’s really important to pay attention to any health conditions that you have, see your doctor, and make sure that they are managed. Outro: To learn more about pregnancy and heart health, visit