Intro: It’s Asia Chandler here with Dr. Candice Price from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at NIH for another episode of Ask a Scientist. AC: We’re talking about heart disease, the number one killer in the U.S. How can we lower our risk? CP: Some risk factors for cardiovascular disease we can’t control, these include things like your age or family history, but some of our risk factors we can control, so let’s focus on those. AC: Tell me more. CP: We can make small steps in our everyday routine, such as eating better, being more active, quitting smoking, getting enough quality sleep, managing stress, controlling weight, knowing and controlling your cholesterol levels, blood  sugar, and blood pressure. Small changes add up. Those sound like simple steps, but making changes can be tough. AC: Do you have any tips? CP: Finding a support group, such as a local lifestyle change program or an accountability buddy to go through the journey with you are really great resources. Outro: Find more tips to improve your heart health at