News on Sleep Science and Sleep Disorders

A man is shown wearing a device used to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
Research Feature
Obstructive sleep apnea affects millions of adults worldwide, including more than 24 million in the United States. However, most cases, 90%, remain undiagnosed. The condition results from the upper airways becoming blocked while a person sleeps, which can reduce or stop airflow. As a result, people with obstructed airways can wake up multiple times...
senior man wearing Cpap mask sleeping smoothly all night long on his left side cross arms without snoring.
News Release
Study suggests adults with both the sleep disorder and COVID may benefit from clinical monitoring Among people who have had COVID-19, adults with obstructive sleep apnea were more likely to experience long-term symptoms suggestive of long COVID than those without the sleep disorder, according to a large study supported by the National Institutes of...
A woman sleeps soundly in a bed.
News Release
Adults who cut back on sleep for six weeks had increased markers of inflammation Getting a consistent good night’s sleep supports normal production and programming of hematopoietic stem cells, a building block of the body’s innate immune system, according to a small National Institutes of Health-supported study in humans and mice. Sleep has long...
Newborn sleeping baby stock photo
News Release
NIH-supported research suggests sleep patterns to support optimal health can begin in infancy Infants who sleep longer through the night and with fewer interruptions may be less likely to become overweight during their first six months of life, according to a study published in the journal SLEEP. While the research only showed a link – not a cause...