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Publications include booklets, fact sheets, reports, DVDs and other formats. Materials are available to view online and some are available as printed copies. Information from the NHLBI is based on the latest scientific findings.
Las enfermedades del corazón son una de las principales causas de muerte para las mujeres hispanas/latinas en los Estados Unidos. Esta hoja informativa de...
Este conjunto de herramientas para promotores de salud incluye un manual y tarjetas con imágenes para complementar el manual de educación sobre...
This toolkit for community health workers includes a manual and supplemental picture cards on heart health education. The Your Heart, Your Life manual...
Un folleto creado específicamente para hispanos/latinos que explica qué son las enfermedades del corazón y ofrece consejos útiles para mejorar la salud...
This recipe book contains a variety of heart-healthy recipes specifically for the Hispanic/Latino community. It also includes tips for safe cooking, eating...
A booklet created specifically for Hispanics/Latinos that explains what heart disease is and provides helpful tips to improve one’s health. Sections of the...
Esta hoja informativa de The Heart Truth® brinda información sobre los riesgos de la presión arterial alta antes, durante, y después del embarazo. Habla...
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To request quantities of publications greater than the copy limit, please contact the NHLBI Center for Health Information between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday, by telephone at 1-877-NHLBI4U (1-877-645-2448) or email at fact sheet from The Heart Truth® provides information on the risks of high blood pressure before, during, and after pregnancy. It covers preeclampsia...
Ordering More Copies
To request quantities of publications greater than the copy limit, please contact the NHLBI Center for Health Information between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday, by telephone at 1-877-NHLBI4U (1-877-645-2448) or email at fact sheet provides questions women may want to ask their healthcare provider about blood pressure. Topics include healthy and high blood pressure...
Esta hoja informativa proporciona preguntas que las mujeres pueden hacerle a su proveedor de atención médica sobre la presión arterial. Los temas incluyen...