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Showing 1 - 4 out of 4 results
Do you have a heart or blood vessel disease, such as peripheral artery disease? This study aims to collect data and samples from people who have a heart or blood vessel disease. This may include blood tests, ultrasound exams, and heart and lung tests. Family members and healthy people may also participate. The results may help researchers better understand PAD and other heart and blood vessel diseases. Participants must be at least 2 years old. Women who are pregnant may not take part in some study activities. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Do you or a first-degree relative have a condition that raises the risk of heart disease? This study aims to test the heart and lung function of people who have a genetic or metabolic disease that raises their risk of heart disease. Participants in this study must be between 2 and 100 years old. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Are you an adult who has PAD and difficulty walking? This study is testing whether a medicine that helps the body make more white blood cells can, along with walking exercise, improve symptoms and blood flow in people who have PAD. To participate in this study, you must be between 21 and 80 years old and have PAD. Women must not be pregnant and must use birth control or have been surgically sterilized if they still have menstrual periods. This study is located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Adult, Older Adult
Are you an adult who has PAD and overweight or obesity? This study aims to learn whether participating in an exercise program with a weight loss program reduces PAD signs and symptoms more than an exercise program alone. To participate, you must be between 18 and 85 years old, have PAD, and have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 28 but less than 45. Participants must also be willing to use a smartphone and attend weekly study sessions. This study is located in Evanston, Illinois; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Adult, Older Adult