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Age Group
Showing 1 - 6 out of 6 results
Do you or your child have dyslipidemia? This study is exploring how different diagnostic tests can help us understand how lipid disorders, including high blood cholesterol and high blood triglycerides, affect the body. Information from this study may help improve the way lipid disorders are diagnosed or treated in the future. Participants in this study must be at least 2 years old. The study is being conducted in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Do you have a heart or blood vessel disease, such as peripheral artery disease? This study aims to collect data and samples from people who have a heart or blood vessel disease. This may include blood tests, ultrasound exams, and heart and lung tests. Family members and healthy people may also participate. The results may help researchers better understand PAD and other heart and blood vessel diseases. Participants must be at least 2 years old. Women who are pregnant may not take part in some study activities. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Do you or a first-degree relative have a condition that raises the risk of heart disease? This study aims to test the heart and lung function of people who have a genetic or metabolic disease that raises their risk of heart disease. Participants in this study must be between 2 and 100 years old. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Do you or a loved one have pneumonia?
This study will test whether combining two medicines to reduce inflammation of the airway and to keep it open may help prevent respiratory failure in people who have pneumonia. To participate in this study, you must be at least 18 years old and have severe pneumonia with low blood oxygen levels.
Adult, Older Adult
Do you have symptoms of a lung disease (such as long-term wet cough, bronchiectasis, or recurrent pneumonia) with no genetic diagnosis? This study aims to develop new ways to diagnose primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) or primary immune deficiency (PID), two conditions that can have similar symptoms. Researchers will combine information from genetic testing, lung imaging, and lung function tests to diagnose and tell the difference between these two conditions. Participants in this study must be 5 to 45 years old and must have symptoms of a serious lung disease but no diagnosis. This study is taking place at multiple locations in the United States and in Canada, including the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
Child, Adult
Are you a healthy adult or someone with a history of lung infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis? This study aims to compare fluid and tissue samples from the nose and lungs of healthy adults with people who have a lung disease. Researchers hope to learn why some people are more susceptible to certain infections. This study is located at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Accepting Healthy Volunteers