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Age Group
Showing 1 - 5 out of 5 results
Are you considering a blood stem cell transplant?
This study is investigating a new method for collecting blood stem cells from donors to see if it reduces transplant complications, such as rejection, in patients who have blood diseases. To participate in this study, you must have a well-matched donor; you and your donor must be between 4 and 80 years old; and you must not be a candidate for immunosuppressive therapy. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Have you received a stem cell transplant?
This study aims to monitor the long-term health of patients who have received a donor stem cell transplant from the NIH Clinical Center. To participate in this study, you must be between 10 and 80 years old and had your transplant more than 3 years ago. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Are you scheduled for a stem cell transplant with cord blood?
This study will assess the safety and effectiveness of certain cord blood transplants. The study will help researchers learn the best methods for collecting, storing, and using cord blood in transplants. To participate in this study, you must have a disorder that compromises your body’s ability to make blood cells. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Do you have a high-risk pregnancy?
This study will investigate the use of a non-invasive scan called fetal magnetocardiography to detect potential problems in the fetus in five high-risk pregnancy conditions associated with stillbirth. The scan is normally used to look at fetal heart rhythms. To participate in this study, you must be at least 18 years old and pregnant with one of the following: having a stillbirth in a previous pregnancy, carrying identical twins, or having a fetus that has been diagnosed with major congenital heart disease, fetal hydrops, or fetal gastroschisis. This study takes place in Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Adult, Older Adult
Are you a woman who is postmenopausal or a man older than 65? This study will investigate the effects of oral progesterone for older women and testosterone for older men on QT intervals. QT intervals that are increased by medicine can lead to dangerous heart rhythm problems. Researchers hope to learn more about why this happens and how to deliver safer doses. This study is located in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Adult, Older Adult
Accepting Healthy Volunteers