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Showing 1 - 10 out of 14 results
New York
22q11.2 deletion syndrome is a genetic disorder that can cause heart defects, facial abnormalities, and developmental and learning disabilities. The severity of the disorder can vary widely among people. This study will analyze DNA from people with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome to identify genetic variations that may affect the severity of the disorder.
All Ages
Do you have a child with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS)? This study is assessing the safety and efficacy of Lomecel-B™ in treating HLHS. Lomecel-B contains human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), special cells in the body that are able to change into other types of cells, such as heart, blood, and muscle cells. Lomecel-B uses MSCs from bone marrow of unrelated young healthy donors. These are called "allogeneic", and do not require donor matching to the patient. To participate in the trial, the child must be less than 1 year old and require stage II palliation for all types of HLHS. This study is in multiple locations. Participants will be randomized to receive either an injection of Lomecel-B in the heart or no injection during their Stage II operation. They will be monitored for safety and one year later, heart function will be measured using cardiac MRI, echocardiogram, blood studies, growth, and scales of quality of life and heart failure.
New York
Do you have a baby with Tetralogy of Fallot? This study is testing a medicine to stimulate growth of new cells in the heart muscle. To participate in this study, your baby should be 30 to 44 days old and have Tetralogy of Fallot. This study is in New York City and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Do you or one of your children have a congenital heart defect? This study will find both common genetic causes of congenital heart disease and ways that genes influence results of medical treatment. To participate in this study, you or your child must have congenital heart disease. This study is located in Los Angeles, Palo Alto, and San Francisco, California; New Haven, Connecticut; Boston, Massachusetts; New York and Rochester, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Salt Lake City, Utah.
All Ages
Are you an adult with congenital heart disease? This study uses whole exome sequencing and other genetic tests to identify causes of congenital heart diseases that occur in individuals and families. To participate in this study, you must be an adult with congenital heart disease with or without a family member with congenital heart disease. This study is located in Columbus, Ohio.
All Ages
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Do you have coronary heart disease or are you healthy and would like to participate in research? This study is comparing how well two types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners can detect different types of heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, congenital heart disease, and heart valve disease. The new type of MRI scanner in this study uses less energy than a traditional scanner and may be suitable for people who have metal devices in their bodies. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
Adult, Older Adult
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Does your developing baby have a heart defect? Have you had a stillborn baby? This study tests a new technology to measure fetal heart activity and find possible problems early. These problems include fetal arrhythmia and conduction disorders such as Brugada syndrome. To participate in this study, you must be at least 18 years old and pregnant, and have one of five high-risk complications of pregnancy: a fetus with a major congenital heart defect, hydrops, or gastroschisis; a previous unexplained stillbirth; or twins who share a placenta. This study is located in Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Adult, Older Adult
Is your child undergoing heart surgery for congenital heart disease? This study aims to help researchers better understand the developing heart and what controls the strength of its beats by comparing it to adult hearts. Researchers will study small pieces of the heart that are removed as a normal part of surgery or repair for children with congenital heart disease. To participate in this study, your child must be undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery and be 18 years old or younger. The study is located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Child, Adult
Do you have a high-risk pregnancy? This study will investigate the use of a non-invasive scan called fetal magnetocardiography to detect potential problems in the fetus in five high-risk pregnancy conditions associated with stillbirth. The scan is normally used to look at fetal heart rhythms. To participate in this study, you must be at least 18 years old and pregnant with one of the following: having a stillbirth in a previous pregnancy, carrying identical twins, or having a fetus that has been diagnosed with major congenital heart disease, fetal hydrops, or fetal gastroschisis. This study takes place in Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Adult, Older Adult
Do you or your child have a heart defect that requires a procedure called extracardiac conduit–total cavopulmonary connection (EC-TCPC)? This study is evaluating the effectiveness of a new type of graft called a tissue-engineered vascular graft for EC-TPC. Participants of this study will have this procedure and several follow-up assessments with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to test the performance of the graft. This study takes place in Columbus, Ohio.
All Ages