Find NHLBI Clinical Trials

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Showing 1 - 3 out of 3 results
Are you scheduled for a stem cell transplant with cord blood? This study will assess the safety and effectiveness of certain cord blood transplants. The study will help researchers learn the best methods for collecting, storing, and using cord blood in transplants. To participate in this study, you must have a disorder that compromises your body’s ability to make blood cells. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
All Ages
Does your infant have a low platelet count? This study investigates immature platelet counts as a marker for bleeding risk in newborns with thrombocytopenia, compared with platelet counts alone. Immature platelets are the most recently produced platelets and may be a better marker of platelet production. To participate in this study, you must have a newborn who is less than 32 weeks’ gestational age, has a birth weight greater than 500 grams, and has a platelet count less than 100 × 109/L. This study takes place in multiple locations in the United States, the Netherlands, and Sweden.
All Ages
Are you an adult with polycythemia vera or thrombocytosis? This study aims to find a new treatment or cure for polycythemia vera and thrombocytosis by locating genes and their changes, or mutations, that may contribute to these disorders. To participate in this study, you must have polycythemia vera with elevated hemoglobin (higher than 18 in men and 16 in women) or thrombocytosis with an elevated platelet count (higher than 450,000). This study takes place in Salt Lake City, Utah.
All Ages