A physician talks to a young patient.
NHLBI in the Press
Through research designed to inform clinical guidelines and treatment approaches, investigators describe common features of long COVID in children and young adults.
Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, M.D.
Growing up, Patrice Desvigne-Nickens, M.D., always thought she’d be a doctor. “From an early age, that idea of helping others over yourself was something that...
headshot of Candice Price, Ph.D.
Ask Candice Price, Ph.D., about the reason for her life’s work, and she tells a story about seeing first-hand how health disparities can impact the medical care...
3D rending of the human lymphatic system
Research Feature
Effort could speed diagnostics, treatments for poorly understood conditions Millions of people worldwide are estimated to suffer from lymphatic diseases but diagnosing and treating them is difficult, in part because a full understanding of the lymphatic system is lacking, researchers say. While there’s no cure for lymphatic diseases, the current...
Asma en niños

Asma en niños

Aprenda cómo se ve el asma en los niños y cómo puede ayudar a su hijo con asma a vivir una vida plena y activa.