Información básica sobre el corazón: Lo que hay que saber para mantener su corazón sano

Información básica sobre el corazón: Lo que hay que saber para mantener su corazón sano

Conozca datos básicos sobre su corazón y qué preguntas hacerle a su proveedor de atención médica para mantenerse más saludable.

A lipoprotein(a) blood test is shown.
Research Feature
If you’ve listened to the radio or opened a webpage in the past year, you may have seen or heard ads promoting lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a), testing to help people identify risks for heart disease. But, what is Lp(a)? Most importantly: should you get your levels tested? Lp(a) is a type of lipid, or fat, in the body that contains and is similar in...
asthma in kids infographic

Asthma in Kids

Learn how asthma looks in children and how you can help your child with asthma live a full and active life.

A blood pressure cuff is folded into a heart shape and placed near vegetables.
Research Feature
As the new year kicks off, many people are thinking about ways to support their health – especially their heart health. For a start, research shows they may want to focus on eliminating extra salt from their diet. A recent study found that the majority of adults who significantly reduced their sodium intake to about 500 mg a day — a 75% reduction...
An image of a thoracic aorta with normal blood flow and abnormal growth.
NHLBI in the Press
Engineers and cardiologists created a prediction tool designed to help doctors identify patients with increased risks for experiencing ruptures in the body’s largest artery.