Get Tips to Help Manage Complications

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with the American Society of Hematology, created a series of fact sheets for people with sickle cell disease. The fact sheets provide information and health tips about many complications that can affect people with this disease. 

Access to Transplants and Gene Therapies

Blood and bone marrow transplants and gene therapies require weeks in a hospital, specialized care, and costly medicines. Currently, only a few medical centers do transplants and gene therapies for people with sickle cell disease. However, providers and U.S. government programs are working to make these therapies available to more people who need them. Although these treatments cost a lot, they are designed to only be given once. There is some evidence

In December 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved two new gene therapies that are transformative therapies for sickle cell disease. One treatment adds a modified gene into the body and the other treatment makes a change to a gene that is already in the body. 

Check Your Sickle Cell Status 

Almost all newborns in the United States are screened for sickle cell disease. Check with your child’s healthcare provider to learn the results of newborn screening. Adults have several options for getting tested. Ask your provider about getting tested, especially if you’re planning a pregnancy or are pregnant.

newborn screening

Newborn Screening Programs

All 50 states have newborn screening programs. As a result, nearly all newborns in the United States are screened for sickle cell disease and other treatable disorders. Many other countries have similar programs.

a group of yoga students stand in warrior pose
Research Feature
Supporting cardiovascular health is important at every age, and early influences can improve health outcomes years later As the body ages, lots of changes happen that can increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease. Blood vessels narrow. Arteries stiffen. Cell mutations can occur, while genes can influence fate. Fortunately, researchers...

Investigaciones para su salud

Científicos financiados por el NHLBI han desarrollado nuevas formas de hacer que la cirugía de reemplazo de la válvula aórtica por catéter (RVAT) sea más segura para pacientes de alto riesgo. Las nuevas técnicas de RVAT conocidas como BASILICA y LAMPOON permitirán que más pacientes con enfermedades de las válvulas cardíacas sean candidatos para el reemplazo de la válvula cardíaca sin necesidad de una cirugía a corazón abierto.

Investigaciones para su salud

Los investigadores apoyados por el NHLBI están desarrollando algoritmos que pueden ayudar a diagnosticar afecciones de las válvulas cardíacas más pronto y antes de que se presenten problemas mayores. Estos algoritmos pueden ayudar a los médicos a detectar soplos cardíacos causados por enfermedades de las válvulas cardíacas.