Headshot of Gina Wei, M.D., M.P.H.
When Gina Wei, M.D., M.P.H., moved from Taiwan to Los Angeles when she was just 10 years old, she could neither speak nor write English. “I looked different and...

Look Out for Your Lungs: 5 Steps to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

April 2024 Sara presented in the CDBC Thursday Seminar Series. March 2024 Ryo presented in the CDBC Thursday Seminar Series. Yosuke presented at the symposium...
Night time Asia woman annoying and cover her ears with pillow of boyfriend snoring on bed
Research Feature
Snoring is often a sign of a very serious condition known as obstructive sleep apnea, a common disorder marked by loud snoring and stops and restarts in breathing. Until now it was thought that the louder the snore, the worse the sleep apnea. But current and ongoing research shows paradigms may be shifting in how we think about snoring. “Snoring is...