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Research Feature
Could next-generation gene editing mean a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF)? There's been a lot of advancement on the disease in the last decade, but there are still those living with the disease who get no relief from current treatments - especially those for whom health disparities already exist. Paul McCray, M.D., professor of pediatrics, and...
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Research Feature
Low sodium, high potassium combo tastes like salt and could be ‘game changer’ Let’s face it: Americans eat too much salt. The popular seasoning, also known as sodium chloride, is found in many food favorites, including pizza, chips, burgers, and breads. On average, people consume more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium chloride daily, or roughly over...
Research Feature
People living in Haiti have long been known for their resilience – through political turmoil, natural disasters, and harrowing poverty. Looming health problems also affect many of the 11 million residents who call this Latin American country home. Almost 1 in 3 adults, including many under 30, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital, have high blood...
Research Feature
Sleep apnea, decongestants, and lack of exercise are among the hidden culprits High blood pressure, also called hypertension, has become a public health threat – an alarming 122.4 million American adults have it, according to the American Heart Association, and only 1 in 4 have it under control. The consequences can be serious: Hypertension has...
NHLBI in the Press
People who develop high blood pressure during or after pregnancy have increased risks for health complications, including heart disease and stroke. Two new studies describe research designed to support earlier risk detection.
NHLBI in the Press
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, such as gestational hypertension and preeclampsia, have doubled during the past decade and now affect 8% of individuals giving birth.
NHLBI in the Press
After partnering with 135 women, researchers found that those who experienced a complication related to high blood pressure during pregnancy were twice as likely to have high blood pressure 10 years later.
NHLBI in the Press
After reviewing hundreds of tiny strains of oral bacteria, researchers identified 15 associated with varying blood pressure levels among postmenopausal women.
NHLBI in the Press
The percentage of adults requiring hospital care for high blood pressure, or hypertension, is small, but increased between 2002-2014. Researchers found men were more likely to require hospital care for a hypertensive event, but women experienced similar in-hospital death rates.
NHLBI in the Press
After studying the health records of some 2 million women in Sweden, researchers found those who had preterm pregnancies were more likely to develop high blood pressure later in life.
NHLBI in the Press
Researchers are reporting that an intensive lifestyle modification program that includes the DASH diet combined with exercise can significantly reduce blood pressure in patients with “resistant” hypertension.