
Lymphopenia Treatment

If you have mild lymphopenia with no underlying cause, you may not need treatment. The disorder may improve on its own. If you have unusual or repeat infections, or infections that won't go away, you'll need treatment for these infections. If you have a disease or condition that's causing lymphopenia, your provider will prescribe treatment for that illness.

Treatment for infections

A low lymphocyte count makes it hard for your body to fight infections. You may get infections caused by viruses , fungi, parasites , or Bacteria . Treatment for an infection will depend on its cause. You also may need treatment after an infection is gone to help prevent repeat infections.

People who have serious, ongoing bacterial infections may get a medicine called immunoglobulin. This medicine helps boost the immune system and fight infections. In some cases, when there is a low level of immunoglobulins, your provider may indicate regular infusion of Immunoglobulins to prevent infections.

Treatment for diseases or conditions that cause lymphopenia

Many diseases and conditions raise your risk of developing lymphopenia. Some examples include lupus or other Autoimmune disorders, aplastic anemia, infections such as HIV, and inherited diseases such as Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.

Your treatment will depend on the specific disease or health condition you have. Once you receive medicine or other treatment for the medical condition causing lymphopenia, the levels of lymphocytes in your blood will likely improve.

Potential new treatments

Researchers are actively studying ways to increase lymphocyte production in people who have lymphopenia. For example, some studies are looking into a treatment called blood and marrow stem cell transplants. This procedure may help treat or cure some of the conditions that can cause a low lymphocyte count. Other studies are looking at medicines and other substances that can help the body make more lymphocytes.

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