Become a National Partner

The role of We Can!® partners varies according to the organization's or corporation's strengths, networks, and influence at national, state, and community levels. Each We Can! partner brings something unique and valuable to the mix. That's why We Can! is thankful that you are considering using your experience and resources to help spread science-based messages about maintaining a healthy weight to even more American families.
National Partner Opportunities
- Utilize and disseminate We Can! program messages and materials to members and other audiences
- Designate a representative who can participate in We Can! national and local promotional activities
- Provide an online description of the We Can! program and its resources, and link to the We Can! website
- Provide feedback on use and impact of We Can! outreach and program messages and materials
- Promote participation in the We Can! movement to other groups in its industry/field, the media, etc.
- Support We Can! in testing messages and products, and evaluating them
All partners must adhere to the We Can! Brand and Logo Guidelines.
If you're interested in becoming a partner, please contact us at or call 301-592-8573 with questions. Or, you can call 1-866-35-WECAN.