9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET
On November 15, 2024, from 9:30 am-3:30 pm ET, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) will hold a one-day virtual workshop, “Advancing the COPD National Action Plan: Progress and Priorities”.
During the workshop, presentations will discuss updates, challenges, and opportunities in implementing the goals of The COPD National Action Plan. An interactive format will allow attendees to identify future priorities, share best practices, and commit to actions that can improve the lives of those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A white paper will be developed following the meeting to summarize key findings.
Key Objectives:
Assess the progress made in implementation of the COPD National Action Plan since its release.
Understand challenges and discuss opportunities for advancing the implementation of the COPD National Action Plan.
Reengage the COPD community around using the COPD National Action Plan Community Action Tool to track and monitor progress toward the Plan’s goals and objectives.
The COPD National Action Plan was launched in 2017 as a roadmap to reducing the burden of this chronic lung disease. With input from the COPD stakeholder community, the COPD National Action Plan laid out strategies to address the needs of patients and their caregivers, health care delivery and practice guidelines, the fostering of basic and clinical research, and ways to inform and advance policy. Since 2021, the COPD National Action Plan Community Action Tool has served as a repository for the COPD community to capture its efforts to advance these strategies.
For logistical questions or to request reasonable accommodations to participate in this event, please email NHLBIWorkshopSupport@nih.gov with "COPD National Action Plan Meeting" in the subject line. Requests must be made five (5) business days in advance.