Image of sickled cells

WEBINAR SERIES: Sickle Cell Science: Path to Progress

September 4 - 25 , 2019
Online Only


To commemorate Sickle Cell Awareness Month 2019, this September the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and partner agencies and institutions will host Sickle Cell Science: Path to Progress, a four-part webinar series that will discuss genetic therapies, progress in pain management, bone marrow transplants and other therapies, and implementation efforts in the U.S. and worldwide. 

Every Wednesday in September, the webinar presenters will address some of the educational and informational needs expressed by patients, family members, researchers, health care providers, and others in the the sickle cell disease community. 

Follow the conversation on Twitter using #ScienceofSCD.


1:00 PM
Serving the Sickle Cell Disease Community Here and Abroad


Cheryl Anne Boyce, Ph.D., Chief of the Implementation Science Branch, Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS), NHLBI

W. Keith Hoots, M.D. Director, Division of Blood Diseases and Resources (DBDR), NHLBI

Kim Smith-Whitley, M.D., Director, Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; and board member of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDAA)

1:00 pm
Genetic Therapies in Sickle Cell Disease


Advances in our understanding of genetic therapies is helping researchers find ways to potentially change, or alter, the genes that cause diseases, such as sickle cell disease.  Genetic Therapies in Sickle Cell Disease, will provide an overview of genetic therapies--what they are, how they work, and how genetic therapies are being explored to prevent or treat diseases.  The webinar will also highlight activities of the Cure Sickle Cell Initiative, an NHLBI-led collaborative research effort to accelerate the development of genetic therapies to cure sickle cell disease, and feature a patient's perspective on participating in clinical trials and the importance of safe and widely available cures.


Traci Mondoro, PhD, Chief of Translational Blood Science and Resources Branch, Division of Blood Diseases and Resources (DBDR), NHLBI

Mark Walters, MD, Professor of Pediatrics/Jordan Family Director, BMT Program, Interim Director of Research, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Oakland

Lynndrick Holmes, patient representative

1:00 PM
Bone Marrow Transplants, Other Therapies, and Sickle Cell Disease


Nancy DiFronzo, M.D., Program Director, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network,  NHLBI

Courtney Fitzhugh, M.D., Lasker Clinical Research Scholar in the Laboratory of Early Sickle Mortality Prevention, NHLBI

1:00 PM
Sickle Cell Disease Care in the Emergency Department: Improvement Initiatives and Ongoing Research

Abstract (CME webinar)

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a multi-system, progressive disorder that affects approximately 100,000 Americans, primarily of African and Hispanic descent. While considered a rare disease by the National Institutes of Health, SCD is the most common genetic blood disorder in the US and continues to be associated with a significantly shortened lifespan, 42 years and 48 years for females and males, respectively.

Patients with SCD often require care in emergency departments (EDs) for a myriad of potentially life-threatening conditions, but most commonly seek treatment for pain due to vaso-occlusive episodes. This session will highlight current evidence-based best practices and ongoing research designed to improve the care of patients with SCD in the ED.

Co-sponsored by the HHS Office of Minority Health and the American College of Emergency Physicians


Caroline Freiermuth, MD, MS, FACEP, University of Cincinnati

Patricia Kavanagh, MD, Boston University/Boston Medical Center

Paula Tanabe, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN, FAEN, FAAN, Duke University


Meharry Medical College is accredited by the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education (CME) for physicians.

Credit Designation:

Meharry Medical College designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.TM    Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

NOTE: Participants will have the opportunity to receive CME credits.