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Watermanfest: Cellular Machines at Work

Lasker Center
NIH Campus, Bethesda, MD


We are proud to celebrate the induction of Dr. Clare Waterman into the National Academy of Sciences. In addition to her own strength as a scientist, this recognition of her work is in no small part due to the outstanding colleagues with whom she has worked for many years.  The “Watermanfest : Cellular Machines at Work” Symposium will highlight the past and current work being done by these leading scientists, all of whom have co-authored papers with Dr. Waterman in addition to their own seminal work. 

Registration and attendance is free, please register by April 1 to let us know you are coming.


9:00 - 9:10
Robert Balaban
Welcome and opening remarks

9:15 - 9:45
Lindsay Case
Stoichiometry controls activity of phase-separated clusters of actin signaling proteins

9:50 - 10:20
Tony Kanchanawong
Nanoscale Architecture of the Integrin-Based Adhesion Complexes and Cortical Actin Cytoskeleton in Embryonic Stem Cells

10:25 - 10:45
Coffee Break

10:50 - 11:20
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz
Membrane dynamics and organelle biogenesis: lipid pipelines and vesicular carriers

11:25 - 11:55
Stephanie Gupton
Coordination of cytoskeletal dynamics & membrane remodeling in neuronal shape change

12:00 - 1:30
Lunch Break
Please see map at entrance for cafeterias at Bldg 37 & 10

1:35 - 2:05
Mary Beckerle
The pressure is on: Probing the response of cells to mechanical stress

2:10 - 2:40
Sandra Schmid
Crosstalk between signaling and endocytosis: Implications for the evolving cancer cell

2:45 - 3 PM
Coffee Break

3:05 - 3:35
Margaret Gardel
Do you want to push and pull all night? All right!

3:40 - 4:05
Val Jaumouillé
A Need for a Molecular Clutch in Innate Immunity?

4:10 - 4:40
Robert Goldman
Recent Insights into the Roles of Intermediate Filaments in Regulating the Motile and Mechanical Properties of Cells

4:45 - 4:55
Clare Waterman
Closing Remarks

5 PM - 7 PM
Happy Hour Reception